Key West Vacation


Suz and I went on vacation with our friends Keith and Felicia to Key West a couple weeks ago and…. we missed our flight! This was a first for all of us. The flight left at 6:00 AM and we simply didn’t arrive at the airport early enough to account for issues we may have had getting to the airport, parking, and checking our bags; ALL of which had issues that contributed to us missing the flight. Since we had a non-refundable private charter boat scheduled the following morning for Suz’s birthday, we absolutely needed to get there somehow. We weighed our options for about 15 minutes and decided to hit the road and drive straight to Key West, FL from Philadelphia!

Our original plan was to fly out of Philly and land in Miami, then rent a car and make the beautiful 3-4 hour drive through the Florida Keys, then return the rental car at Key West Airport. After our stay in Key West, we’d do the same thing but in reverse, renting another car for a half day and driving up to Miami to fly home. Honestly, with all the flying, car-renting, car returning, etc. driving our own car turned out to be very convenient and stress-free since there were less moving parts. The drive was long: 19 hours non-stop. We arrived in Key West at 2:30AM the following day and went right to bed to be up in time for the charter boat.

The rest of the vacation was very relaxing and fun. We spent time snorkeling, beaching, drinking cocktails and watching sunsets over the water. Scroll down to see photos and the video I made of our time in Key West!!!


Busy and Fun Weekend…


I made a website…